
Autor: Zoran Todorović
Lokacija: Tehnička škola

Zvezda Zorana Todorovića je deo projekta ovog umetnika koji je podrazumevao realizaciju dve identične zvezde, od kojih bi jedna bila u Apatinu, a druga prenesena u luku u Baru. Na zvezdi u Baru umetnik je predvideo da ugradi odašiljač koji bi emitovao signale brodovima, sa idejom da ta zvezda otplovi do Sredozmenog mora, prepuštajući slučaju da li bi je, na tom putu, neko od morepolovaca izvadio iz mora i zaustavio njen tok. Iako umetnikova ideja nije realizovana zbog administrativnih razloga, jedna zvezda je ostala da svedoči o ovom umetničkom projektu.

The Star
Location: Technical School Apatin

The Star by Zoran Todorović is a part of the artist’s project that included the realization of two identical stars whereof one would be placed in Apatin and the other transferred to the port of Bar. At the star in Barthe artist planned to install a transmitter that would emit signals to ships with an idea that this star would sail to the Mediterranean Sea, leaving it to chance if one of the sailors would take it out of the sea and stop its flow. Although the artist’s idea was not realized due to administrative reasons, one star remained to testify about this art project.