Ideju života kao toka, pokreta, snage, akcije, radosti, Tamara Rakić ostvaruje kroz prikaz nekoliko njoj omiljenih hrtova u trku. Sjajnom stilizacijom izuzetno gipkih, elegantnih i izduženih tela hrtova, koji se u svojoj kompozicijskoj celini skoro doživljavaju kao crtež u prostoru, umetnica stvara ubedljivo stanje poleta i toka, unoseći, na neki čudan način, čak i dimenziju vremena u ovaj prizor. Jer, iako smo svesni da je reč o skulpturi koja je statična i rađena u metalu, svojom vizuelnom dejstvenošću ona stvara utisak da će svakog trenutka ovi hrtovi nastaviti svoj trk u prostoru.
Autor: Tamara Rakić
Lokacija: Stambeni blok 112
Location: Residential Block 112
Tamara Rakić realizes the idea of life as a flow, movement, strength, action, joy through the image of several greyhounds on the run – her favourite motif. With her brilliant stylization of extremely flexible, elegant and elongated greyhounds’ bodies, who are perceived almost like a drawing in space in their compositional unity, the artist creates a convincing state of exhilaration and flow, bringing in even a dimension of time to this scene in an extraordinary way. Although we are aware that this is a sculpture that is static and made of metal, yet with its visual activity it creates an impression that at any moment these greyhounds will continue running in space.