Ostavljajući linije, odnosno zone vara kao svojevrstan crtež na samoj skulpturi, Vera Stanarčević na ženskom poprsju pod nazivom Žena sa frizurom veoma promišljeno naglašava elemente od kojih gradi skulpturu. Ali, bez obzira na mase i voluminoznost elemenata od kojih radi poprsje, oblik koji najviše skreće pažnju na ovom delu je upravo frizura. Mnoštvo metalnih alki, povezanih i oblikovnih u guste kovrdže kao da se vijore na vetru, na šta upućuje njihovo zajedničko usmerenje na gore. Iako nema nikakvih doslovnih oznaka i detalja lica ili poprsja ženskog tela, ova skulptura se nesumnjivo doživljava kao žena sa posebno sređenom frizurom.
Žena sa frizurom
Autor: Vera Stanarčević
Lokacija: Stambeni blok 112
Woman with a Hairstyle
Location: Residential Block 112
Having left the lines, i.e. the traces of welding as a kind of unique sketch on the sculpture itself, Vera Stanarčević emphasized very thoughtfully the elements which she had built the sculpture from on a woman’s bust called Woman with a Hairstyle. However, regardless of the mass and volume of the elements which the bust is made from, the form that attracts the most attention in this piece is the hairstyle. Many metal links connected and shaped into thick curls look like fluttering in the wind, which is indicated by them all being pointed upwards. Although there are no literal references and details of a woman’s face or bust, this sculpture is undoubtedly perceived as a woman with a specially arranged hairstyle.