Za U

Autor: Nikola Macura
Lokacija: Brodogradilište

Podražavajući spomeničku plastiku, odnosno portrete i biste koji se postavljaju u slobodnom prostoru značajnim istorijskim ličnostima, Nikola Macura u skulpturi Za U. ovekovečuje sebe predstavljajući svoj lik. Umesto masivnog postamenta pravi ravnu ploču, a umesto trodimenzionalno oblikovane glave iseca lik na tankoj ploči. Ispod svog lika postavlja lovorov venac, upravo u duhu spomen obeležja na značajne istorijske ličnosti. Na taj način, umetnik se u ovom delu bavi odnosom ličnog i društvenog, privatnog i javnog u našem životu.

For U
Location: Shipyard Apatin

Mimicking plastic monument, i.e. portraits and busts of significant historical figuresthat are placed in open air space, Nikola Macura immortalizes himself by presenting his character in the sculpture For U. Instead of a massive plinth, he makes a flat plate, and instead of a 3D-shaped head, he cuts out a figure on a thin plate. He places a laurel wreath under the figure’s face exactly in the spirit of a memorial to important historical figures. In this manner, the artist deals in this piece of work with the relationship between the personal and the social, the private and the public in our lives.