
Autor: Mira Brtka
Lokacija: Centar grada

Iako za konstruisanje skulpture upotrebljava delove industrijskog otpada, kao što su delovi pluga sa zapregom, raonici i slični predmeti, Mira Brtka stvara Tron, kako je nazvala ovo delo, kao široku predimenzionarnu kitnjastu stolicu. I pored toga što tron radi od odbačenih predmeta i delova koje je obojila zlatnom bojom, ona na vispren i duhovit način upućuje na besmislenost neumerenosti u težnjama moćnika ka statusnim simbolima veličine i moći, kao što je, između ostalih, i tron.

The Throne
Location: City Center

Although she uses parts of industrial waste such as harness plows, coulters and similar items to construct the sculpture, Mira Brtka creates The Throne, as she named this work, as a wide oversized ornate chair. Despite the fact that the throne was made of discarded objects and parts painted with gold, she implies in a clever and witty way to the meaningless intemperance in powerful people’s pursuit for greatness and power of status symbols such as, among others, the throne.