Sve u svemu

Autor: Miodrag Perić
Lokacija: Stambeni blok 112

Jedan običan predmet iz svakodnevnog okruženja, takozvani nož „švajcarac“, Miodrag Perić na duhovit način interpretira kroz skulpturski izraz. Sam naziv dela Sve u svemu, iako dobijen od radnika koji su pomagali u izvođenju skulpture, upućuje na funkciju takvog predmeta. A umetnik, slobodno interpretirajući elemente jednog ovakvog predmeta, ređajući ih i razvijajući u prostor, stvara skulpturu koja privlači posmatrača da priđe bliže i protumači svaki pojedinačni element. Podizanjem na visoko, izuzetno tanko postolje, umetnik samom prizoru daje monumentalnu dimenziju izraza.

All in All
Location: Residential Block 112

Miodrag Perić interprets an ordinary item from everyday life, the so-called Swiss knife, in a humorous way through sculptural expression. The very title of the work All in All, although obtained from the workers who helped in the sculpture installation, indicates the function of such an object. And the artist, interpreting freely the elements of such an object, arranging them and developing them into space, has created a sculpture that attracts an observer to come closer and rede each individual element. Having elevated it to a high, extremely thin pedestal, the artist produces a monumental dimension of expression to the scene.