Sine anno II

Autor: Bojan Štokelj
Lokacija: Dom zdravlja

Zatvorena masivna kompozicija skulpture Sine anno II Bojana Štokelja, sastavljena od dve niske metalne ploče sa ugaonim središnjim delom uglavljenim između njih, sama po sebi izaziva stanje teskobe i pokreće pitanje značenja samog dela. I sam naziv skulpture Sine annno II koji na latinskom jeziku znači „bez godine“, kao i celokupna dejstvenost skulpture ukopane u zemlju, pobuđuje utisak i stanje nelagode. U kružnom otvoru na skulpturi, prvobitno postavljena glava dečije lutke koju je umetnik doneo iz ratom zahvaćenog područja dodatno je pojačavala dramatičan izraz ovog dela.

Sine anno II
Location: City Health Center

The closed massive composition of the sculpture Sine anno II by Bojan Štokelj composed of two low metal plates with an angular central part stuck between them causes itself a state of anxiety and raises the question of the artistic meaning itself. The very name of the sculpture Sine anno II, which means “without a date” in Latin, as well as the entire activity of the sculpture buried in the ground evokes an impression and state of discomfort. A head of a children’s doll was originally placed in the circular opening on the sculpture. The fact that this doll was brought by the artist from the war-torn region further enhanced the dramatic expression of this work.