Radost življenja I

Autor: Radomir Stančić
Lokacija: Dunavsko šetalište

Figurama razdraganih pokreta, ali i neobičnim oblicima i znakovima koje urezuje, ili bolje reći, iseca u metalnoj ploči, Radomir Stančić dočarava Radost življenja, kako je i nazvao sam rad. Slobodno raspoređeni po površini metalne ploče u obliku svitka, propuštajući svetlost, oblici stvaraju utisak lakoće i razdraganosti same skulpture, a pozadina plavetnila reke i neba doprinose osećanju vedrine i radosti. Od izrezanih figura, znakova i neobičnih oblika umetnik stvara novo delo, praveći kompoziciju u zavisnosti od prostora u kome izlaže.

The Joy of Life I
Location: Danube Promenade

Radomir Stančić evokes The Joy of Life, as he called this piece of work, with figures of playful movements, but also with unusual shapes and marks that he carved, or better say, cut out in a metal plate. Freely arranged on the surface of the scroll-shaped metal plate, letting light through, the shapes create an impression of lightness and exhilaration of the sculpture itself, and the blue background of the river and the sky contribute to the feeling of serenity and joy. From carved figures, marks and unusual shapes, the artist creates a new piece of work, generating a composition that depends on the space it has been exhibited in.