
Autor: Milivoje Babović
Lokacija: Gradski park

Istančanom osetljivošću za dejstvenost materijala i oblika, Milivoje Babović uspeva da od ostataka metala iz brodogradilišta napravi lik ptice u svojoj skulpturi pod istim nazivom. Od nepravilnih, bezobličnih i zarđalih delova metala, on konstruiše veoma izražajan oblik ptice sa dugačkim kljunom. Umetničkim viđenjem, prepoznajući mogućnost izraza tog, na prvi pogled neprivlačnog materijala, on ga preobražava u ekspresivnu površinu tela ptice. Koristeći potpuno nepravilne i iskrzane metalne delove koji imaju teksturu i boju rđe, Babović dobrom kompozicijom svih elemenata stvara izuzetno ubedljiv lik ptice.

Location: City Park

With a refined sensitivity for the effectiveness of materials and shapes, Milivoje Babović managed to make the image of a bird in his sculpture of the same name from the metal scrapes from the shipyard. From irregular, shapeless and rusty parts of metal, he constructed a very expressive form of a bird with a long beak. By artistic vision and recognizing the possibility of the expression of this initially unattractive material, he transformed it into an expressive surface of a bird’s body. Using completely uneven and unsmooth metal parts that possess the texture and colour of rust, Babović created an extremely convincing character of a bird with a good composition of all elements.