
Autor: Nemanja Vučetić
Lokacija: Tehnička škola

Nemanja Vučetić skulpturu Proces postavlja u otvoreni prostor i ostavlja je „načetu“ rđom da sam „proces“ životnog toka i vremena učini svoje dajući život jednom metalnom objektu na način prirodnih oblika. I sam naziv dela „proces“ upućuje na umetnikovu ideju i unošenje životnog procesa promene kao neminovnog i nezaustavljivog. Ali, u svom radu, umetnik na jedan neobičan način preobražava taj proces u umetničku ideju i delo.

Location: Technical School Apatin

Nemanja Vučetić places the sculpture Process in an open space and leaves it a bit “bitten” by rust, so that the “process” of the life flow and time does its own, breathing life into a metal object in the manner of natural forms. The very title of the work – “process”– refers to the artist’s idea and to incorporating the life process of change as inevitable and unstoppable. However, in his work, in an unusual manner the artist transforms this process into an artistic idea and work.