
Autor: Arlindo Arez
Lokacija: Gradski park

Spajajući dva oblika koji se razlikuju i po veličini i po boji, ali koji zajedno čine skladnu kompoziciju, Arlindo Arez je dočarao ideju prijateljstva, kako je nazvao i sam rad. U potpuno apstraktnoj formi postignut je izraz zajedništva, podrške, oslonca, jer veći (crveni) oblik daje oslonac manjem (plavom) obliku, a prožimanje ova dva oblika na vrhu upućuje na bliskost. Ne samo međusobnim odnosom dva oblika, nego i veličinom skulpture koja dostiže skoro četiri metra, umetnik ovim delom monumentalizuje ideju prijateljstva.

Location: City Park

Combining two shapes that differ in size and colour, but which together form a harmonious composition, Arlindo Arez depicted an idea of ​​friendship as he named this work. In a completely abstract form the expression of togetherness, support and backing has been accomplished, because the larger (red) shape gives support to the smaller (blue) form, and the pervasion of these two shapes at the top indicates closeness. Not only by the relationship between the two shapes, but also by the size of the sculpture which reaches almost four meters, the artist monumentalizes the idea of ​​friendship with this work.