
Autor: Dragan Rajšić
Lokacija: Dom zdravlja

Utisak mirnoće koju izaziva ravna uspravna pravougaona metalna ploča Dragan Rajšić oživljava mnoštvom takođe pravougaonih formi različitih veličina, grupisanih u jednu povezanu celinu. Dinamičnošću ritma postignutom pre svega elanom dijagonale, ali i naizmeničnošću ne samo smenjivanja tanjih i debljih dijagonalnih traka, nego i njihovim izvlačenjem u dubinu prostora, stvoren je ubedljiv utisak pokreta, što odgovara i samom nazivu skulpture Povratak.

The Return
Location: City Health Center

Dragan Rajšić enlivens the impression of calmness being caused by a flat upright rectangular metal plate with a myriad of rectangular shapes of different sizes grouped into a connected unit. The rhytm dynamism achieved primarily by the elan of the diagonal and also by the alternation not only of shifting thinner and thicker diagonal stripes, but also by their extraction into the spatial depths, created a convincing impression of movement that corresponds to the name of the sculpture The Return.