Obelisk 2002

Autor: Đorđe Arnaut
Lokacija: Dunavsko šetalište

Obelisk Đorđa Arnauta, iako nesumnjivo inspirisan obeliscima kao znamenjima moći, dobija sasvim drugačiju vizuelnu dejstvenost. Na kvadratnoj osnovi uzdiže se u visinu, ne sužavajući se ka vrhu, kao što je to tipično za obelisk. Naprotiv, na ravnom četvorougaonom preseku na vrhu skulpture postavljen je piramidalni oblik, a različiti urezi duž celog oblika prizivaju sećanje na zapise na obeliscima. U kombinaciji sa dva polukružna oblika sa strane, čitava skulptura odaje utisak nekog mističnog totema. Mističnosti skulpture doprinosi i samo mesto na kom je postavljena.

Obelisk 2002
Location: Danube Promenade

The Obelisk by Djordje Arnaut, although undoubtedly inspired by obelisks as symbols of power, gained a completely different visual effect. It rises high on a square base without narrowing towards the top as it is typical for an obelisk. On the contrary, a pyramidal shape has been placed on a flat square section at the top of the sculpture, and various incisions along the entire form evoke the memory of inscriptions on obelisks. Combined with two semicircular shapes on the side, the entire sculpture gives an impression of a mystical totem. The mystique of the sculpture itself is also contributed by the place where the sculpture was installed.