
Autor: Mira Brtka
Lokacija: Stambeni blok 112

Za skulpturu Napredak Mira Brtka koristi industrijski otpad od kog formira oblik koji se sastoji iz dva dela – donji deo skulpture je uspravljeni pravougaonik oštrih ivica, a gornji deo čine oblici koji, grupisani u snop, kao da izrastaju iz postolja. Naglašen kontrast između stabilnosti donjeg dela i razigranosti linijskih tokova metalnih cevi na gornjem delu skulpture, Brtka objedinjuje naknadnim bojenjem cele skulpture zlatnom bojom. Odnosom postamenta i gornjeg dela skulptura evocira daleki eho bistâ postavljenih u parkovima.

Location: Residential Block 112

For the sculpture Progress Mira Brtka used industrial waste from which she created a form consisting of two parts – the lower part of the sculpture is an upright rectangle with sharp edges, and the upper part consists of shapes that grouped in a bundle seem to grow out of the base. The contrast emphasized between the stability of the lower part and the playfulness of the line flows of the upper part metal pipes Brtka united by subsequent painting of the whole sculpture in gold colour. The proportion between the base and the upper part of the sculpture evokes a distant echo of busts placed in the parks.