
Autor: Kosta Bogdanović
Lokacija: Gradski park

Zahvaljujući mogućnosti savremene industrijske tehnologije i obrade, Kosta Bogdanović za skulpturu pod nazivom Lilit koristi čeličnu cev velikih dimenzija i promera koju oblikuje pritiskom prese velike snage. Sa velikim iskustvom rada u fabričkim pogonima u svom umetničkom radu, Bogdanović promišljenim intervencijama pritiskom prese pravi figuru Lilit. Iako bez ikakavih naznaka ili jasnih detalja izgleda tela žene, skulptura celokupnom pojavnošću odiše vitkošću i elegancijom, a u pojedinim zonama i zaobljenošću i mekoćom, kao tipičnim odlikama ženskog tela.

Location: City Park

Due to the possibilities of modern industrial technology and processing, Kosta Bogdanović uses a steel pipe of large dimensions and diameters for the sculpture called Lilith, which he shapes by pressing it under a high-power press. Employing his extensive working experience in factory plants into his artistic work, Bogdanović made the figure of Lilith with thoughtful interventions with the press device. Although without any indications or clear details of the woman’s body image, the sculpture emits slenderness and elegance in its entire appearance, as well as roundness and softness in some areas as typical features of the female body.