Kružni tok

Autor: Jovana Momčilović
Lokacija: Centar grada

Iako po spoljašnjim konturama predstavlja geometrijsku formu ravnih i oštrih ivica, skulptura Kružni tok Jovane Momčilović se svojom unutrašnjom konstrukcijom doživljava kao izuzetno olakšana i prozračna. Napravljena od metalnih delova nađenih na industrijskom otpadu, pretežno od kružnih zupčanika različitih veličina, grupisanih u određene grozdove, skulptura podstiče doživljaj dekorativne čipkaste strukture. Na ovoj skulpturi su čak i za osnovne, noseće linije konstrukcije odabrane i upotrebljene razigrane teksture lanaca –zupčanika.

Location: City Center

Although it represents the geometric shape of flat and sharp edges along the outer contours, the sculpture Roundabout by Jovana Momčilović is perceived as extremely light and airy with its internal construction. Made of metal parts found in industrial waste, mostly of circular gear wheels of different sizes grouped into certain clusters, the sculpture initiates the experience of a decorative lacy structure. In this sculpture, playful textures of the chains – gear wheels were selected and used even for the basic, bearing lines of the construction.