Kroz talase

Autor: Sanja Tomašević
Lokacija: Dunavsko šetalište

Skulpturu Kroz talase Sanja Tomašević formira od talasa teških brodskih lanaca, koje postavlja na betonsku podlogu. Oblikovanjem podloge od betona talasastim ritmom udubljenja i ispupčenja naglašano je stanje rečnog toka, a utisak talasanja vode dodatno je pojačan bojenjem lanaca plavom bojom. U ovoj skulpturi je tok talasa uhvaćen na krajnje neočekivan, ali ubedljiv način.

Through the Waves
Location: Danube Promenade

Sanja Tomašević forms the sculpture Through the Waves from the waves of heavy ship chains, which she places on a concrete base. Shaping the concrete base with a wavy rhythm of recesses and processes, the state of the river flow is emphasized and the impression of water ripples has been additionally enhanced by painting the chains blue. This sculpture captures the flow of waves in an extremely unexpected, but convincing way.