
Autor: Bojan Grujić
Lokacija: Centar grada

Napravljena kompletno od lanaca za bicikl, skulptura Korak Bojana Grujića predstavlja figuru koja je snažno zakoračila u prostor. Energičnost pokreta je u jakom kontrastu sa čipkastom strukturom tela, ali veoma ubedljiva u svojoj izražajnosti. Sva pažnja je usmerena na pokret nogu, koje su predimenzionirane, u nameri da se naglasak stavi upravo na korak, kako je i sama skulptura nazvana.

A Step
Location: City Center

Made entirely of bicycle chains, the sculpture A Step by Bojan Grujić represents a figure that stepped vigorously into the space. The energetic movement is in a strong contrast with the lacy structure of the body, but very convincing in its expressiveness. All attention is focused on the movement of the legs, which are oversized in order to put the emphasis on the step itself as the sculpture’s name implies.