
Autor: Vesna Pantelić
Lokacija: Dom za stare i penzionere

Dva raznobojna vrtuljka – karusela, na skulpturi pod nazivom Karusel Vesne Pantelić, kojoj je inspiracija bila ista takva dečija igračka od papira koja se okreće na vetru, postavljena su na vrhu visokog tankog stuba od metala. Cela skulptura, ne samo svojim vedrim bojama i različitim šarama jarkih boja, nego i mogućnošću da se oblici okreću na vetru, i to u suprotnim pravcima, stvara izraz veselosti, elana i dinamike.

Location: Retirement Home

Two colorful merry-go-rounds or carousels on the sculpture called Carousel by Vesna Pantelić, who was inspired by the same children’s toy made of paper that turns in the wind, are placed on the top of a high slender metal pillar. Not only with its cheerful colours and different patterns of bright nuances, but also with the possibility that the forms can turn in the wind in opposite directions as well, the whole sculpture creates an expression of joy, enthusiasm and dynamism.