Kako naviti nevidljivog petla

Autor: Božidar Babić
Lokacija: Centar grada

U skulpturi sa neobičnim nazivom Kako naviti nevidljivog petla Božidar Babić pravi krajnje nesvakidašnjeg i neobičnog petla, poigravajući se sa punim i praznim površinama i oblicima. Umnožavajući plošne elemente tela petla i šireći ih zrakasto u prostor, podstiče dinamičnost samog prizora. Pored toga, postavljanjem tela petla na jednu tanku nožicu, koja je uz to i blago izvijena, umetnik dodatno doprinosi utisku začudnosti koji izaziva i sam naziv skulpture – kako naviti nevidljivog petla.

How to Wind up an Invisible Rooster
Location: City Center

In the sculpture with the unusual name How to Wind up an Invisible Rooster, Božidar Babić makes an extremely unusual and extraordinary rooster, playing with full and hollow surfaces and shapes. By multiplying the flat elements of the rooster’s body and spreading them radially into space, the artist encourages the dynamism of the scene itself. Additionally, by placing the body of the rooster on a thin little leg, which is also slightly curved, the artist further contributes to the impression of wonder that triggers the very name of the sculpture – howto wind up an invisible rooster.