
Autor: Stanislav Antonić
Lokacija: Dom zdravlja

Kombinujući dva različita materijala, i po strukturi, i po teksturi i mekoći, Stanislav Antonić stvara skulpturu pod nazivom Jezgro. Na deblo drveta, kao dominantnom elementu skulpture, on ubacuje metalne delove, na neki način stvarajući zapise na samoj masi drveta. Bojenjem skulpture bajcom, umetnik naglašava strukturne osobenosti drveta.

The Nucleus
Location: City Health Center

Combining two different materials both in structure and in texture and softness, Stanislav Antonić creates a sculpture called The Nucleus. On the tree trunk as the dominant element of the sculpture he inserts metal parts creating some kind of “incriptions” on the very mass of the wood. Having painted the sculpture with wood stain, the artist emphasized the structural features of the tree.