
Autor: Dušan Vukša
Lokacija: Crveni krst

Naš doživljaj ježa kao tela sa bodljama Dušan Vukša je preveo u skulpturu. Dočaravajući stanje bodljikavosti, on koristi gotove metalne profile kojima oblikuje telo ježa. Iscrtavajući metalnom strukturom telo ježa blagom oblinom, umetnik ublažava osećaj oštrica bodlji, dajući čitavom delu jednu dozu blagosti, bez obzira na činjenicu što prikazuje ježa.

The Hedgehog
Location: Red Cross

Dušan Vukša translated our experience of a hedgehog as a body with spikes into a sculpture. Depicting the state of spikes, he uses ready-made metal profiles in order to shape the body of the hedgehog. Forming the body structure of a hedgehog with a slight curve, the artist softens the sense of spikes, giving the whole work a touch of gentleness, regardless of the fact that it depicts a hedgehog.