
Autor: Miroljub Stamenković
Lokacija: Centar grada

U skulpturi Grad Miroljuba Stamenkovića, grad kao mesto mnoštva građevina osmišljen je u vidu ploha koje se lepezasto šire u prostor oko svoje ose. Isecanjem različitih oblika građevina u metalne plohe umetnik sugeriše različita zdanja kojima se odlikuje svaki grad. Iako su učvršćene za valjkasti postament, umetnik je predvideo da se metalne ploče mogu pomerati, čime je unesena interaktivna dimenzija između skulpture i prolaznika.

The City
Location: City Center

In the sculpture The City by Miroljub Stamenković, the city as a place of many buildings has been envisaged in the form of surfaces that fan out into the space around its axis. By cutting different shapes of buildings into metal slabs, the artist suggests different buildings that distinguish each city. Although they are attached to a roller plinth, the artist envisaged that the metal slabs could move, thus introducing an interactive dimension between the sculpture and a passer-by.