Gnezdo I

Autor: Adrijana Mračina
Lokacija: Tehnička škola

Koristeći tanke žice za gradnju gnezda, na način kako to prave ptice, i povećavajući dimenzije, Adrijana Mračina u skulpturi Gnezdo 1 čini da naš doživljaj gnezda bude neočekivan i drugačiji. Sam oblik gnezda je na samoj granici između oblika gnezda i oblika kaveza, što pobuđuje pitanje odnosa između ova dva oblika koja se vezuju za pticu kao simbola leta i slobode.

The Nest I
Location: Technical School Apatin

Using thin wires to build a nest the way birds do and increasing the dimensions, in the sculpture The Nest I AdrijanaMračina makes our experience of the nest quite unexpected and different. The shape of the nest itself is on the very verge between the shape of a nest and the shape of a cage, which raises the issue of the relationship between these two shapes that are associated with a bird as a symbol of flying and freedom.