
Autor: Jasminka Brkanović
Lokacija: Gradski park

Fibula, odnosno kopča sa iglom koja je služila za pričvršćivanje odevnih predmeta, poslužila je kao podsticaj Jasminki Brkanović za skulpturu. Uveličavajući taj realno mali predmet, koji je istovremeno upotrebni i ukrasni, ona slobodnom interpretacijom stvara skulpturu koja dobija potpuno drugu dimenziju izraza. Napetost i neravna tekstura oblika koji podražava izgled igle u odnosu na blago savijenu uglačanu površinu na koju je prikačena stvara dramatično stanje izraza, bez obzira na to što se radi o običnom predmetu kao što je kopča (fibula).

The Fibula
Location: City Park

A fibula, i.e. a buckle with the needle that was used to fasten clothing items, served as an inspiration for Jasminka Brkanović for the sculpture. Magnifying this really small object which is both useful and decorative she creates a sculpture with free interpretation which gets a completely different dimension of expression. The tension and rough texture of the form that mimics the image of a needle in relation to the slightly bent and polished surface which it is attached to creates a dramatic state of expression, regardless of the fact that it is a common object such as a buckle (fibula).