Dinamical Reasponce

Autor: Miodrag Ivanović
Lokacija: Stambeni blok 112

Sam naziv skulpture Dinamical Reasponce (Dinamičan odgovor) Miodraga Ivanovića neminovno podstiče upitanost – dinamičan odgovor, ali odgovor na šta? Formirajući skulpturu od tankih metalnih ploča u vidu krajnje stilizovanih ljudskih figura poređanih u niz, koje blagom povijenošću tela slede jedna drugu u pravilnom ritmu, umetnik nesumnjivo upućuje na bezličnost i uniformnost savremenog čoveka u masi kao anonimnoj gomili bez lica i ličnosti. Figure umesto nogu imaju neku vrstu teških stopala u vidu lopata pričvršćenih za tlo, koje stvaraju utisak težine pokreta, dok velika rupa na figurama na levoj strani u zoni grudi neminovno upućuje na praznine u srcu. Povodom ove skulpture ređaju se pitanja, ali i (dinamični) odgovori.

Dinamical Reasponce
Location: Residential Block 112

The very name of the sculpture Dinamical Reasponce by Miodrag Ivanović inevitably encourages questioning – a dynamic response, but a response to what? Forming the sculpture from thin metal plates in a form of extremely stylish human figures arranged in a row, which gently bent follow each other in a regular rhythm, the artist undoubtedly indicates the impersonality and uniformity of a modern man in the crowd as an anonymous group without face and personality. Instead of legs, the figures have a kind of heavy feet in the form of shovels attached to the ground that create an impression of hard movement, while the large hole in the figures’ left-side chest area inevitably indicates hollowness in the heart. Regarding this sculpture, questions gush as well as (dynamic) responses.