
Autor: Dušan Vukša
Lokacija: Centar grada

Dušan Vukša od metalnih ploča izduženog pravougaonog oblika pravi skulpturu koju imenuje kao Cvet. Iako je delo potpuno apstraktno, tačnije nefiguralno, umetnik sa samo tri pravilna geometrijska oblika postiže sugestivnost cveta, odnosno stanje latica koje se iz središta blago šire ka spolja, na način kako se u prirodi latice cveta otvaraju ka svetlosti sunca.

A Flower
Location: City Center

Dušan Vukša makes a sculpture out of elongated rectangular metal plates which he names as The Flower. Although the work is completely abstract, more precisely non-figural, with only three regular geometrical shapes the artist achieves the suggestiveness of a flower, i.e. the sense of petals that slightly expand from the center to the outside in the way flower petals open to sunlight in nature.