Skulptura nazvana City Luggage Đorđa Aralice u vidu dva elementa koji su na granici između putničkih torbi i kontejnera pokreće pitanje o vrsti i tipu gradskog prtljaga u širem smislu, a ne samo prtljaga za putovanje. Šta to mi u gradovima kao prtljag nosimo sa sobom; šta čuvamo i imamo kao prtljag; koliko je taj prtljag naš posed, a koliko se pretvara u teret nepotrebnih stvari, tereta shvaćenog u najširem smislu, tereta ne samo materijalnih stvari, nego i tereta gomilanja utisaka, slika, zvukova…? Estetizacijom naizgled običnih svakodnevnih elemenata prtljaga, Aralica stvara savremeno skulptorsko delo u gradskom ambijentu, koje kod prolaznika izaziva zapitanost o značenju ovih oblika.
City Luggage
Autor: Đorđe Aralica
Lokacija: Trg Nikole Tesle
City Luggage
Location: Nikola Tesla Square
The sculpture called City Luggage by Djordje Aralica in the form of two elements that are on the verge between travel bags and containers initiates the question of the kind and type of city luggage in a broader sense, not just travel luggage. What do we carry with us in the cities as luggage; what we keep and have as luggage; how much that luggage is our possession, and how much does it turn into a burden of unnecessary things? – a burden understood in its broadest sense, a burden not only of material things, but also a burden of accumulating impressions, images, sounds… Aestheticizing seemingly common everyday elements of luggage, Aralica created a contemporary sculptural work in an urban ambience, which causes passers-by to question the meaning of these forms.