Bezimeni hijeroglif

Autor: Ivan Jeremić
Lokacija: Centar grada

Svedenošću oblika Ivan Jeremić u skulpturi Bezimeni hijeroglif postiže sugestivnost i izražajnost hijeroglifa kao znaka koji tek treba iščitati, odnosno protumačiti. Hijeroglif, koji je u starim civilizacijama kao što je egipatska, označavao slovo ili čak nekoliko reči, u Jeremićevom delu je dobio krajnje pojednostavljen oblik. Blagost opcrta celokupnog oblika, ali i naknadno bojenje lica skulpture belom bojom, doprinosi nenametljivoj, ali veoma upečatljivoj izražajnosti ovog dela, koje se zbog svega toga veoma dobro zapaža čak i sa velike daljine.

The Nameless Hieroglyph
Location: City Center

Diminishing the form in the sculpture The Nameless Hieroglyph Ivan Jeremić achieves the suggestiveness and expressiveness of the hieroglyph as a sign that has yet to be read, i.e. interpreted. The hieroglyph, which in ancient civilizations such as the Egyptian one signified a word or even a few words, was given an extremely simplified form in Jeremić’s work. The gentleness of the overall form outline as well as the subsequent painting of the sculpture’s face with white contributes to the unobtrusive but very impressive expressiveness of this work, which is therefore very well noticed even from a great distance.