Bez Naziva

Autor: Gerhard Benc
Lokacija: Brodogradilište

Imenovanje umetničkog dela sintagmom Bez naziva je praksa koja se javlja tokom 20. veka u modernoj i savremenoj umetnosti. I Gerhard Benc svoju skulpturu imenuje kao delo Bez naziva. Sastojeći se od dva elementa koji su postavljeni u određeni odnos – jednog koji je neka vrsta postolja i drugog koji se dijagonalno prostire uvis, stvorena je dinamika pokreta, čemu dodatno doprinosi olakšanost oblika kružnim prorezima.

No name
Location: Shipyard Apatin

Naming a work of art with the phrase No Name is a practice that appeared during the 20th century in modern and contemporary art. Gerhard Benz also names his sculpture as No Name. Consisting of two elements that are placed in a certain relation– one that is a kind of plinthand the other that extends diagonally upwards, the dynamics of movement has been created, which is further contributed by the ease of the form with circular slots.