Bez Naslova (Ptice)

Autor: Ljubomir Erić
Lokacija: Dunavsko šetalište

Jato ptica postavljenih na trouglastu blago savijenu podlogu kao da su u svakom trenutku spremne da zajedno polete. Podignuta krila, ali i pravilan trouglasti raspored koji odlikuje let jata ptica, dodatno pojačavaju taj utisak. Istovremeno, doza ukočenosti i skoro mehanicistički oblici ptica stvaraju sugestivnost formacije aviona spremnih za uzletanje. Međutim, bojenje cele skulpture jarko narandžastom bojom doprinosi preovladavanju utiska poleta i vedrine celog prizora.

No name
Location: Danube Promenade

A flock of birds have been placed on a triangular slightly bent surface as if they were ready to fly together at any moment. Raised wings, as well as a precise triangular arrangement characteristic for the flocks of birds flying further enhance that impression. Simultaneously, an amount of stiffness and almost mechanistic forms of the birds create the suggestiveness of the airplane formation ready to take off. However, painting the whole sculpture with a bright orange colour contributes to the predominance of an impression of exhilaration and serenity of the whole scene.