Skulptura Bekman Milana Blanuše inspirisana je nemačkim slikarem Maksom Bekmanom, na šta upućuje i naziv dela ugraviran na prednjoj strani dela. Blanuša je, pored ove skulpture, posvetio veći broj slika Bekmanu, čija je umetnost u doba Hitlerove vladavine i nacizma u Nemačkoj okarakterisana kao degenerisana. Oblikujući mušku figuru u pokretu, ali u dve različite dimenzije, on ih postavlja kao senku jedna drugoj. Bez obzira na to što su figure rađene u tankim metalnim pločama u vidu opcrta čoveka, postignut je veoma ubedljiv utisak snage, otresitosti i odlučnosti, ne samo u pokretu, nego i u celokupnoj kompoziciji. Odnosom figure i njene senke koja je veća i tamnija od same figure čoveka stvoren je utisak težine tamne preteće senke, pokrećući na taj način misao o čoveku i tamnoj strani njegove ličnosti.
Milan Blanuša’s sculpture Beckmann was inspired by the German painter Max Beckmann as indicated by the title of the work engraved on the front of the piece. In addition to this sculpture, Blanuša dedicated a large number of paintings to Beckmann, whose art opus was characterized as degenerate during the reign of Hitler and Nazism in Germany. Shaping a male figure in motion, but in two different dimensions, he places them as a shadow to each other. Regardless of the fact that the figures were made of thin metal plates in a form of a human figure outline, a very convincing impression of strength, briskness and determination has been accomplished – not only in movement, but also in the overall composition. The relation between the figure and its shadow, which is larger and darker than the human figure itself, creates the impression of the weight of the dark threatening shadow, thus initiating the thought of a human being and his dark side of the personality.